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Wonderful Wool 2019 Advent Day 16

Writer: Claire CarruthersClaire Carruthers

Above: from fibre to mini skein


Fibre: Merino / Soybean

Fibre Prep: Stripped lengthways into 4 strips and spun end to end

Tool: IST Crafts Spalted Beech Turkish Spindle

Start Date: 28th August 2020

Finish Date: 13th September 2020

Plies: 2 (centre pull)

WPI: 18

Yarn Thickness: Heavy Lace

Length (pre-wash): ~80m

Length (post-wash): ~72m

Weight: 12g


This fibre is not my usual colours and I was unsure whether I would like spinning it but it was a pleasantly enjoyable spin (surprisingly), not least because the merino/soybean combo was so soft and fluffy and just felt amazing to handle. I did enjoy how the colours transitioned through the spin and it reminded me of an oil slick when I took the photographs of the singles with the daylight coming through. The final colour way is quite subtle and understated but also very autumnal.

There are bits of fluff everywhere though and I need to defluff my project bag before putting the next mini skein in!


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