I couldn't resist the vibtant colours in this beautiful merino gradient from Fellview Fibres - and it was the perfect first 'big' project on my support spindles.
Above: slide show of the progress from rolag to final skein.
There were 16 rolags and I decided to spin them across 4 support spindles, wrapping the cop in such a way that you could see each colour. This made for heavy spinning towards the end of each spindle, particularly on the Mingo & Asho as that's a heavier spindle to start.
Once I'd finished spinning the singles (3rd April 2020), I'm going to admit that I left them languishing on the spindles for a few months until I got around to building a make-shift lazy kate from a cardboard box, cellotape and some strategically placed holes!
Project start date: 19th January 2020
Project finish date: 5th August 2020
Fibre: Merino
Prep: Rolags
Amount: 110g

Tools used (left to right):
Supported spindles from:
Maine Fiber Tools

Plies: Chain plied
WPI: 14
Yarn Thickness: Fingering
Yarn Length: 370m
Yarn Weight: 110g
Now just to find the perfect project to use this gradient with!